Payment Methods


At TARMARS , our preferred payment method is via a secure credit card transaction. Rest assured, your card number will be protected using industry-leading encryption standards. We guarantee a safe shopping experience on our website. We currently accept 3D-Secure Visa and MasterCard credit cards that from GCC-banks or US-banks. Orders completed with credit cards will not be charged any additional fees. Visa Card offers 3D-Secure credit cards under the label of “Verified by Visa”. Master Card Holders will be familiar with “MasterCard Secure Code” Please enter all billing information and card details in English



For customers without access to a credit card, we accept Cash on Delivery (COD) as an alternative payment method. Using this service, you will pay in cash to the delivery agent upon receiving your order. Please note that Cash on Delivery orders will be charged an additional service fee of NIS 20,-. We do not offer Cash on Delivery payment methods for orders above NIS 1.000,- order value.